Station Average Data Browser -- Temperature

2024 at G.R. Paine Horticultural Training Centre

Field Interval Station name YearMonthOptions
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 Times are PST. Units are: °C Using the browser's back button may interfere with the proper operation of this form.

Please use the drop-down lists above to select the data you are interested in.

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Use the drop-down lists to set the variables for the field, station and month you are interested in. Be sure to specify which averaging interval you prefer (hourly or daily). Once you've selected a month the data will load. If you want an entire year of data click the "Show Entire Year" check box. The data will be loaded from the database and shown in a table on the page. The data are also available as text and CSV files. The links to these files are (will be) given in the table header. Please be patient while the data loads and the graph draws it.

Data is collected minute-by-minute on the network (at almost every site) so hourly averages are usually made from 60 observations and daily averages are composed of 1440 observations. Where raw data is missing the count column will show the reduced number of observations. Where there is no data at all in the averaging period the time interval will be blank.

Note for hourly and daily statistics of rainfall: The weather station hardware zeroes the daily rain amount each day immediately after 00:01. This means that the previous day's rain amount is recorded in the first minute of the day. At this time we choose to correct for this in the hourly statistics by the method outlined below.

If the hour is the first hour of the day, the minimum, average, and maximum rain amount for that day is calculated using the last fifty minutes of the hour. For every other hour of the day all available data—up to 60 values—is used. This can affect minimum and average rain amounts calculated for first hour of the day only. Maximum rain amount recording in the interval is not affected.

Daily rain is treated the same way. The first ten minutes of the day are ignored when calculating minumum, average, and maximum daily rain.

Minute by minute daily rain accumulation is available from the station data page.

Snow and ice in the rain collection funnel is not recorded until it melts.

The plot is live. You can zoom in by clicking and dragging a mouse over the graph. You can zoom back out by double-clicking on the graph. Moving the mouse cursor over the graph will highlight the value nearest to the mouse. If you want to smooth the data change the value in the lower left of the graph. It gives the number of consecutive data points that should be averaged together before the curve is drawn.

This page took 20.7 ms to generate.


The Vancouver Island School-Based Weather Station Network is an education first project. Data from the network are made freely available as is to the public with no guarantee of accuracy or availability. Commercial use requires a license. Please contact Ed Wiebe, ecwiebe at for more information. This work (this site and all contents not otherwise attributed) by School-Based Weather Station Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Creative Commons License

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Last Modified: October 03 2023 15:37:52.